With a range of prestigious employers and commissions to his name, Steve Womack has worked as both a musician, comedian and song writer for both BBC radio and television. Now an easily recognizable face on the comedy circuit, Steve has starred in his own series for Sky TV.
Steve Womack is now firmly established as one of the country's finest entertainers, the bulk of his work being in the corporate market. With a background in music, Steve Womack combines his brilliant singing abilities with impressive comedian skills to make him one of the most sought after satirical and topical musicians working in the UK. He was voted winning comedian in Central TV’s New Faces Grand Final and his humour is sharp, fresh and unlikely to offend, without being the slightest bit bland.
With a range of prestigious employers and commissions to his name, Steve Womack has worked as both a musician, comedian and song writer for both BBC radio and television. Now an easily recognizable face on the comedy circuit, Steve has starred in his own series for Sky TV and appeared alongside London comedienne Bernadine Corrigan. He continues to work as a comedian for hire and has performed at corporate events throughout the UK. He is known for his sharp and fresh comedy that remains both accessible and inoffensive and thus appeals to a wide range of audiences.